
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Army is discharging unfit soldiers to cut costs

During the war money was flowing and the military was lenient on standards but now in order to cut costs they are enforcing the standards.  Overweight soldiers and Fitness test failures are being processed out.  Soldiers had a false sense of security and some let themselves go...well no more.  Most agree that the body fat calculation the military uses isn't accurate or fair.  For me the fitness standard is not difficult.  As a woman over 35 I only need to do a minimum of 17 push ups , 45 sit ups and a 20 min run.  So who could complain about that?  As you could see on my previous post I have been struggling with meeting the standards but I definitely will meet the weight standards soon.  With the help of my workout partner, my son. 

With that being said I'd like to share two great opportunities in my area for family fitness.  The first is The YMCA.  I've been a member for a long time now.  With my Pottstown Y membership I get a financial discount based on income, free babysitting while I work out, free exercise classes, and access to a total of 17 area YMCAs from Boyertown, all Montco and Phila YMCAs.  They all have a variety of classes, free babysitting and Many swimming pools, I love it.

The 2nd I have not tried yet but I would like to give a shout out to this local organization Pottstown Athletic Club and Pottstown Karate Club    This is a non-profit and they will not turn anyone away although they have a suggested monthly fee.   They provide Crossfit training which I cannot wait to try but they also have a CrossFit kids program which I cannot wait for my son to participate in.  They are very involved in the community and with the youth.  They have a clean streets program, Guardian Angels and Junior Guardian Angels.  They just promote Overall Health fitness and being a good citizen.  Only problem I have two toddlers and need the babysitting.  but one day......           .

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